For those who follow solo acoustic instrumental guitar, Michael Gulezian (gu-LAY-ze-in) is firmly established in the genre as one of the most significant artists of our time, playing with rock attitude, imbued with a mystical, spiritual essence – all tempered and disciplined by a rigorous program of classical guitar training. Gulezian is slated to perform Sat., Oct. 22, 6:30pm at Adams State College’s Leon Memorial Hall, presented by the Alamosa Live Music Assoc. (ALMA). Tickets are $10 for ALMA members, $12 for the general public, $5 for students, seniors, full-time volunteers and active duty members of the military.
Michael began playing guitar at the age of six, assimilating everything from the Hindustani raga improvisations of Ravi Shankar, to Gregorian chant, to the rock of Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones. He soon discovered the early finger style guitarists of the Mississippi Delta: Son House, Rev. Gary Davis, and Robert Johnson. But the crystallizing moment occurred upon hearing the music of John Fahey – godfather of American solo acoustic guitar. Gulezian locked onto Fahey’s then-radical concept of acoustic instrumental guitar as lifelong medium for composition and creative self-expression.
To this day Gulezian tours constantly, performing at concert halls, festivals, and at hundreds of colleges and universities. It is visually breathtaking to watch him play – his cutting edge virtuosity, commanding stage presence, offbeat humor, and genuine humility has won him a reputation for excellence and a steadily growing audience.
For all the airplay, accolades, recognition, and encores, Michael remains most touched and humbled by the words of his late friend and colleague Michael Hedges, who called Gulezian “a great guitarist. My kindred spirit.”
One generation removed from the musical arabesques of his Armenian heritage, infused with the raw emotional power of the Mississippi Delta trailblazers, fiercely devoted to his art, and blessed with technical proficiency in the extreme, Michael Gulezian remains a seminal force on the cutting edge of the American solo acoustic guitar tradition.