Local Singer-Songwriter Celebrates the SLV and her New CD with Concert.

Alison Kitchen drew on life in the San Luis Valley for songs on her new CD.

She’s not a Colorado native, but she got here as fast as she could, as the saying goes, and now Alison Kitchen is celebrating the release of her new, San Luis Valley-inspired recording, “the Edge of Everything,” with a concert sponsored by the Alamosa Live Music Association (ALMA), Sat., Jan. 28, 7:30pm, in Leon Auditorium on the Adams State College campus in Alamosa, Colo. Concert goers will receive a copy of the CD with their paid admission.

“It has been thrilling to me to find a place in the local and regional music scene and I value so highly these musicians who contributed, and who I can now call my friends,” Kitchen said. Regionally and nationally respected artists such as Don Conescenti, Jimmy Stadler, Beth Quist, Jim Bradley, James Doyle, Mark Dudrow, Matthew Schildt, Sarah Siskind, Travis Book, Tom Boyer and Kitchen’s daughter Emily all play on the disc. All these musicians, other than Siskind, Book and Quist, will perform with Kitchen during the show.

“Most of the songs are heavily influenced by my experiences in moving here, both in terms of how hard it is to uproot a well-established life and start over again, and just how profoundly the ‘beautiful valley’ and its amazing people have affected me,” Kitchen said. Critics have compared her music to that of Joni Mitchell, Joan Armatrading and Tori Amos.

Tickets for the show are $10 for ALMA members, $12 for the general public, $5 for students, seniors, full-time volunteers and active duty military with proper identification.

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